Understanding Accrual vs. Cash Accounting
At least once per year, if not any other time, you’ll get asked whether or not you operate your business using accrual or cash-basis accounting. Since this question typically arises...
Unique Ability
Discovering your Unique Ability ( and spending time honing and developing your Unique Ability will set you up for a lifetime of personal and professional success. At the core of...
Employee vs. Contractor:Control and Relationship
Sometimes in small business, the idea of paying those who work for you as contractors sounds ideal. But, how does a business owner know to correctly classify a worker as...
1099s: Tips & Tricks
1099s are due January 31st - have yours been sent? If you have, have you sent them to all vendors and service providers who need one? You might think that...
New Mileage Rate for 2019!
It's a new year and the IRS has once again updated the mileage rate for 2019. Beginning January 1, 2019, the standard mileage rate increased from 54.5 cents in 2018...
Using Excel Rounding to Alleviate Reconciliation Woes
In business, we often leverage data from multiple systems, ultimately wanting the numbers from each system to reconcile perfectly. Yet sometimes…that isn’t the case. While you may only be off...
Don’t Count on Your Bank Balance
One of the most common misconceptions we run across regarding cash flow, is individuals believing that their current bank account balance is the amount of cash they have available...
A Simple Start to Taking Control of Your Workday
Many times we begin our workday already overwhelmed by the amount of tasks we need to take care of. However, before we know it, the day is half over and...
Management vs. Leadership
The words fade out, the music starts to rise, the drums kick in and the underdog begins to train harder, run faster and do better than they’ve ever done before....