Using Excel Rounding to Alleviate Reconciliation Woes

In business, we often leverage data from multiple systems, ultimately wanting the numbers from each system to reconcile perfectly.  Yet sometimes…that isn’t the case.  While you may only be off by a few pennies, for reporting you still want to get the difference to zero. Excel offers at least ten different rounding formulas, but we’ll…

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Don’t Count on Your Bank Balance

  One of the most common misconceptions we run across regarding cash flow, is individuals believing that their current bank account balance is the amount of cash they have available to spend. In almost every case, this is inaccurate. There are many reasons for this.  Most commonly, there are outstanding checks that haven’t cleared the…

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A Simple Start to Taking Control of Your Workday

Many times we begin our workday already overwhelmed by the amount of tasks we need to take care of. However, before we know it, the day is half over and we now have double the list we started with – when we then reach the end and have no idea where the day went. It…

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Management vs. Leadership

The words fade out, the music starts to rise, the drums kick in and the underdog begins to train harder, run faster and do better than they’ve ever done before. You can physically feel your heart rate begin to increase, your pride begin to swell and you are in their corner! This is what the…

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